Saint-Remi Basilica and Saint-Remi museum

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Saint-Remi Basilica is a collection of history and art which should not be missed.

Saint-Remi Basilica

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Saint-Remi Basilica is a collection of history and art which should not be missed. The 11th century Romanesque nave was lengthened by two transepts at the end of the 12th century to render it accessible to a greater number of pilgrims. At the same time, the facade was reconstructed, while a choir ambulatory and radiating chapels were created. While the Gothic style is apparent in these transformations, they in no way altered the homogeneity and serenity of the church. It contains Saint Remi's tomb, a collection of 12th century stain-glass windows and a Cattiaux grand organ, inaugurated in the year 2000.

Free of charge

Saint-Remi museum

This museum is located in the 17th and 18th century buildings of the former St. Remi Royal Abbey, where the holy ampula, used to anoint the kings of France, was kept. The museum is divided into 4 sections:

  • The history of the abbey buildings; tapestry depicting Saint Remi's life (Renaissance)
  • The Gallo-Roman section can be seen in the abbey’s 17th century refectories and kitchen. Here one can admire the splendour of the ancient city of Reims which, under the name of Durocortorum, was the capital of the imperial province of Belgium and the residence of the Roman governor (Legatus Augusto Propraetore)
  • 300 m2 of remarkable military collections, from ancien times to the 1870 war
  • local collections from Prehisty to the 16th century


  • Individual rate : 5.5€
  • Reduced rate : 4€
  • Group rate : 3€


Saint-Remi basilica and museum

Rue Simon, 51100 Reims

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Last update : 30 November 2023

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